I observed that you are using values for database action like:
1 for Add
2 for Edit
Instead of this we should use Constants/Enumerators. For example for Add we can create a Constants/Enumerators variable called dbAdd (DB_ADD) = 1
It is easier to read such variables and understand instead of values.
Just my thoughts....
Yogi Yang
Hi Yogi,
we have "played" with this idea when moving from v1 to v2; some of our licensees suggested it.
But since many of our licensees are ex Clarion developers, [1,2,3] is "deeply embedded" in their minds - and in ours also !!!
Note that this type of coding is also in the Business Object Roles; but we have an enumeration for these values [enBusinessObjectRole is Enumeration] in the project code.
Steven Sitas