Using Alpha 360 Erp - 1.1, Screen Resolution is 1920 x 1080
Looks like the placement is TAB_Dynamic is not right when we hide SIDE_Menu and again show it. I changed the procedure as follows, looks like it's working correct.
Your calculation is as comments. The arbitary value of 5 & 8 is required (in my setup) as there is a right margin when we load the mainmenu for the first time. To keep that right margin (roughly calculated to 5), we deduct that value when we hide the SIDE_Menu.
When we show the SIDE_menu, there need to be a gap between SIDE_Menu & TAB_Dynamic and I arrived the value to 8. That value I've added to arrive the new X position of TAB_Dynamic.
And Width of TAB_Dynamic to be adjusted to 13 (5 + 8) to keep the right margin in tact.
Could you please verify whether these calculations ?
v_Windows_Width is int
IF gb_Hide_SideMenu=True THEN
SIDE_Menu..X = -(gn_Width_Of_SideMenu + 40)
TAB_Dynamic..X = gn_X_of_SideMenu
// TAB_Dynamic..Width = v_Windows_Width - ((2*20)-18)
TAB_Dynamic..Width = v_Windows_Width - ((2*20)-18) - 5
SIDE_Menu..X = 3
// TAB_Dynamic..X = 269
TAB_Dynamic..X = SIDE_Menu..X + SIDE_Menu..Width + 8
TAB_Dynamic..Width = v_Windows_Width - ((2*20)-18 + gn_Width_Of_SideMenu) - 13
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash
there were some issues with various combinations of Screen Resolutions, Font Sizes and Images used on the Dynamic TAB. With some "of the above combinations" the application just GPFed at the begining of the project code, and the debugger didn't even fire _OR_ it GPFed in the UI_ShowHideMenu().
We think that the problem had to do with some images used in the styles of the dynamic tab.
For some reason, unknown to us, the code inside the UI_ShowHideMenu() - with its peculiar values - seemed to ELIMINATE the problem, although with the cost of a small image "shift".
We will take a look at your code and values and if everything works OK we will add it in the next release.
thanks for sharing